Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Chapter 5: Frustration

I began sifting through the pages and pages of results for my keyword in order to find my site, eventually finding it around page 28. At the time, I didn't feel that upset, it was a new site with only a few links of course it wasn't going to just pop up on the first page.

So I started watching, checking every day or so what page it was one. Slowly it began creeping forward, up 10 or so pages in about a week. This had me pretty excited, I thought that with some more time and some more work getting links, I would be on my way to getting a decent ranking.

However, then my listing completely disappeared off the ranking. In fact, after checking in Google, I noticed that my index page wasn't listed at all, even though all my subpages were. I had no idea what had happened.

Was I black listed? Did my site go down? Do the Google gods hate me? So I decided I would give it a week or so and see if it popped back up. Eventually it did, but back around page 28. I figured it would slowly creep back as it did before, as I've continued to add links to my site.

But then my site disappeared off my keyword, but not the index. So now I'm left wondering why my site isn't ranking for that keyword anymore.

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